temerity uh-MER-uh-tee, noun: Unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger; rashness.   SourceForge
or possibly this project....

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  • This is the readme file for Temerity 2.0     http://temerity.sourceforge.net
    Wow, someone actually downloaded this program! I would like to thank you for 
    'testing' this out, please let us know what you like, dislike and want to see 
    included in future releases.
    This software is licenced under the GPL 
    Use at your own risk.
    Special thanks to sourceforge.net, perlmonks.org, gnump3d.org for the help
    they have provided!
    Ok here is the short version, I'm not sure if there is enough to do to make 
    a long one, but hey these things happen.....
    you WILL NEED perl 5.005 or better (I recomend a minium of 5.6 mostly because
    of how much faster it is)
    you WILL NEED the ability to execute perl scripts from the web
    next run ./configure.pl and if you are making a custom install and unsure for
    some of the customization options run tools/info.sh to have it guess for some
    of the more important ones.  If it does not run (ie. bad interpreter: No such
    file or directory) you will need to type 'which perl' (no quotes) and change
    the first line of the file from #!/usr/bin/perl to what you got from 'which
    perl'.  if it says 'which not found', try guessing often the answer is
    /usr/local/bin/perl, /bin/perl, or /usr/bin/perl5. 
    if info.sh reports perl is in a nonstandard location, YOU WILL NEED TO CHANGE
    THE PATH TO PERL AT THE HEAD OF EACH PERL FILE or alternativly put a symlink
    to perl in /usr/bin/ (I don't recomend the lazy method it has been known to
    cause problems on some systems when upgrading perl, and perl modules) if you
    do this make sure that /usr/bin is AFTER the location to your actuall perl
    binary in your path (and everyone else who can run CPAN as well) or you will
    regret this... trust me.  In fact, how about you just run ./configure.pl and
    use menu option 7 to set your path to perl.  You should already know this as
    you had to change the #!/usr/bin/perl at the head of the file to get it to
    even be run.
    now run "make help" and verify the installation information is correct.
    now run "make install"
    all that remains is editing /etc/temerity/temerity.conf many of the defaults
    should be ok for your site, but you will need to specify the hosts you wish to
    connect to and optionally display names for those hosts.
    finally visit the page on a web browser and test each of the forms to make sure
    they work.
    first read the short version, things are explained there that will not be
    mentioned here
    you will find four directorys in the tar archive:
    place the files in this directory in /etc/temerity. If you do not intend to place it 
    there first open {sourcedir}etc/CPAN/temerity.pm and search for $config_location set that
    to the path where {sourcedir}etc/temerity.conf will reside.  Then open each file inside
    of {sourcedir}temerity/ and change the 'use lib /etc/temerity/CPAN;' to match the path to
    {sourcedir}etc/CPAN.  Now you can do what you want
    place files in this directory in web accessable location (preferably an SSL'd location) 
    were perl (cgi) scripts can be executed make sure to update the config
    place files in this folder in a web accessable location make sure to update
    the config approprately
    contains info.sh - it guesses at some important values
             make_default_config - makes a default temerity.conf in that directory
             make_default_makefile - makes a default makefile in that directory
    go through the config file and check it over for values you want to change
    if you want to hide modules simply change what is listed in the show 
    paramater in /etc/temerity/temerity.conf (or wherever you put it)
    check it from the web to make sure it works
    I would recomend making a theme to keep your site's look consistent
    (and impress your supervisor with your attention to detail) :-) check
    http://temerity.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/themes.cgi for instructions.
    If you used the Makefile, then simply go into the config directory.
    Inside of there you will find a Makefile, type make uninstall.
    Everyone else should just rm -r the directories that you installed into.
    NOTE: rm -r is what the Makefile does on the directories you installed into.
    A good way to find those directories is to open one of the .cgi files
    (index.cgi for example) and use that to locate where the config files
    are, then use the config file to find the themes directory.
    In theory serious errors should be reported to the browser to make
    finding the actuall problem much simpler; here are some common errors.
    if you did a custom install open /etc/temerity/CPAN/temerity.pm
    (or where ever you put that file) and does $config_location point to where
    /etc/temerity/temerity.conf is?
    did you make sure to specify an absolute (begins with a /) path to
    if you did a custom install did you go into whatever your equivalent to
    /var/www/localhost/cgi-bin/temerity/ is and see if the line 
    "use lib /etc/temerity/CPAN/;" points to where you put that directory, if
    not change it?
    if you did the above and changed something did you check each .cgi file?
    Check WEBROOT inside of temerity.conf and make sure it is pointing to the
    actuall directory, and NOT travling over a symlink (in apache the default is
    do NOT follow symlinks)
    go through temerity.conf and make sure the sections are correct, 
    check all of the commands that are listed like /bin/cp and so forth
    make sure that the machienes you are trying to connect to have the right 
    kind of server running (telnet or ssh)
    Still have problems? Email me with the users prompt setting file (.bashrc 
    .cshrc etc) and I will add it to the regex that checks for that and send you 
    the approprate bit to you as that might just be the problem.
    (or if you are good with regular expressions open etc/CPAN/temerity.pm
    look for '$common{prompt_regex} =' and update accordingly.  Don't forget to
    send us your changes so that we can make sure others get them.)
    TO DO:
    figure out how to do ssh (Net::SSH::Perl looks interesting, but frustrating)
    figure out how to do all of this through su (eh why not)
    Some user prompts are not supported currently, i dont know what they are 
    (cause if i did they'd be supported) but there probably are a few out there
    This program can be 'illegally' run from a normal user's account instead of
    the server root.  Some sites have SERIOUS issues with anything taking usernames
    and passwords, but hey it is an option for the bold.
    Temerity Administration Toolkit